Wastewater Treatment = $450,000 Savings

We’re helping an auto manufacturing facility save $450,000 per year by implementing a new wastewater treatment program. With this continuous delivery program they are reducing wastewater treatment costs from $12.50 per 1000 gallons of water to $4.50 per 1000 gallons.


Paint Booth Program Increases Uptime

A new paint booth sludge removal treatment program is helping a large manufacturer increase paint booth uptime + reduce shut down costs associated with weekly cleaning. This has resulted in more efficient, automated, sludge collection and a significant cost savings to the bottom line.


Boiler Treatment = $1.2 Million Savings

With a customized boiler treatment program, our Browne Labs team has been able to help a regional healthcare system keep their boiler systems clean and running at maximum efficiency. After six years, the benefits have been significant — energy savings of $1.2 million, annually.


Wastewater Treatment Update = No Downtime

When regulatory mandates were changed for industrial wastewater returning to the city, our client needed to update their treatment program. Any downtime would result in significant expenses, so we engineered a new program and implemented the treatment with zero downtime for the facility.


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